Master Class: Yin for Spring Renewal with Renee Berlucchi March 22, 2025 3:00-5:00 PM

Spring is a time of renewal, growth and expansion as the days grow longer, trees become greener, and flowers bloom. Embrace the opportunity to gently shed old unwanted layers and make a conscious decision to begin again. Feel nurtured and refreshed as the body is eased out of hibernation into the revitalizing energy of spring.


There will be a focus on the Liver and Gallbladder Meridians which support the body’s natural digestive and detoxification functions; thus preparing the mind, body and breath for the new season of Spring.

This class accessible to people of all yoga levels and abilities.

This class is FREE to our monthly unlimited members, all other customers $30. 

Sign Up HERE

Yoga + Acupuncture with Sophie and Chelsey Saturday April 5, 2025 3:00-5:00 PM

In Chinese Medicine, Winter (water) is associated with the kidneys/bladder and Spring (wood) is associated with the liver/gallbladder.  Spring is a time of new beginnings, growth, and renewal.

In this two-hour workshop we will spend an hour practicing Yin Yoga poses associated with the meridians of the organs mentioned above to support us through the change of seasons.

Following the Yin, participants will receive acupuncture treatment during an extended savasana, to compliment the Yoga’s intention of coursing the kidney and liver qi and moving stagnant energy that has developed over the Winter. 

$50, limited to 15 people, sign up HERE

master Class: Leading to Crow pose with Felicia Case April 12, 2025 1:00-3:00 PM

This dynamic session is focused on building up to crow pose. You will learn key techniques to build the necessary strength, balance and focus to confidently lift off and fly in this arm balance. We will explore alignment, engage core muscles, work on wrist and hip flexibility.

Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this class is for everyone. Get ready to challenge yourself, build strength and confidence to help you soar. 

Master Classes are FREE to our Monthly Unlimited members, all other students $30.  

Sign up HERE

master Class: Myofascial Release with Sophie May 10, 2025 1:00-3:00 PM

Indulge in a 2 hour myofascial release workshop to release built up tension and tightness throughout your body. Learn different techniques that will help you decrease pain, improve range of motion, increase muscle pliability and improve tissue hydration.

Tennis balls and blocks will help us release tight tissue, and you will learn new tools you can implement whenever your tissue needs release! 

This class is FREE to Monthly Unlimited members, all other clients $30. 

Sign up HERE